Pajulahti Games 2021 to go through without international guests
Pajulahti Games 2021 to go through without international guests
The 11th Pajulahti Games will go through as planned on 22–24 of January 2021 in the Pajulahti Olympic & Paralympic Training Center in Lahti, Finland but without international guests due to the ongoing situation with the COVID-19 pandemic.
It means that there will be no international Pajulahti Games tournaments in goalball, sitting volleyball and showdown and also that the Special Olympics National Winter Games and the Special Needs Judo tournament will be arranged without international contestants.
There is, however, a possibility for those goalball national teams that are about to take part in the B Division European Championships due to be arranged in Pajulahti right after the Pajulahti Games on 27–31 of January to come early to Pajulahti and take part in the preparation camp from 20th or 21st of January onwards. The camp includes possibilities to train and play exhibition matches before the Euros start.
Although the pandemic hammering the Globe prevents us arranging the 11th Pajulahti Games with the extent we’d like to we are sure the 12th edition of the event in 2022 will be bigger and better than ever before! We heartly welcome you all back to Pajulahti once the World have overcome the pandemic!